Mactaggart and Mickel volunteered this site on the edge of the Outstanding Conservation Area of Eaglesham for a Scottish Government led initiative, in order to demonstrate that the development and design principles of PAN 76 ‘New Residential Streets’ can be achieved by volume housebuilders.

Streets as public realm places, and not as movement corridors, formed the fundamental layout concept, designed predominantly as shared surface spaces for vehicles and pedestrians and laid out to encourage deliberately slow vehicle speeds.  The landscape strategy seeks to provide a central sequence of landscape spaces through the core of the development, which link to the major landscape feature of the Orry within the village.  Street tree planting continues the historical east-west tree line pattern of the village.

The project demonstrates that the integration of architectural, urban and landscape design can lead to successful placemaking, the creation of a sustainable community and acts as an exemplar for the Scottish housebuilding industry.