Jordanhill is a former informal, picturesque estate landscape of parkland and woodland, where the historical legacy of the former estate landscape pattern and character is still clearly evident today. The site contains extensive belts of mature trees around the perimeter of the site, covered by Tree Protection Orders, with some areas comprising a Site of Special Landscape Importance (SSLI) relating to areas of Ancient Woodland, all of which enhance the setting of the existing historic buildings on the site and frame views to the surrounding landscape. As such, the site has considerable sensitivities to the introduction of new residential development, yet possesses considerable potential to create an attractive and distinctive place to live.
A landscape strategy was developed which defined an overall vision for the development as ‘Living in a Park’. This concept comprised the following components:
- The retention, protection and management of existing parkland and woodland components of the site was fundamental to the overall vision
- A comprehensive, progressive programme of landscape management to the existing woodland and parkland tree groups, aimed at diversifying age structure, species mix and introducing understorey and ground flora mix
- Extending the existing sweeping parkland into the heart of the development, which would ‘stitch’ new development to the established open space and landscape pattern
- New areas of residential development and associated open spaces containing generous areas of planting, such that landscape was a constant feature of the overall development character, with a clear pattern of existing and new buildings separated by green spaces achieved throughout the site
- Identifying distinct ‘neighbourhoods’ within the development through a combination of architecture, streetscape, level changes, landscape framework and planting character. Streets are considered as places, rather than movement corridors, with generous landscape treatments to give identity and character to the development.