h+m were appointed to undertake an initial landscape capacity review of an area of land to the south-east of Dunbar, in relation to potential residential and associated development. The study considered the physical and visual characteristics of the site and its context, the existing and proposed surrounding land use pattern and other relevant landscape designations as appropriate, and advised on the particular landscape and visual sensitivities of the proposed site and the surrounding area to potential residential development.
The landscape and visual analysis recognised that, whilst there were a series of particular sensitivities associated with the site, these sensitivities were not considered to be of such significance or magnitude that the site would be considered inappropriate for any form of development. Consequently, it was concluded that the site would have some capacity for development, but only within certain design parameters which responded directly to the identified landscape and visual sensitivities.
Based on this landscape and visual analysis, and by adopting a series of strategic design principles in direct response to the landscape and visual sensitivities of the site and its surroundings, a series of conceptual development scenarios for the site were developed, indicating potential land use allocations and how particular development principles and approaches may be incorporated to ensure that comprehensive development proposals integrated with the site and its surroundings. Recommendations for key landscape framework requirements associated with the development of the site were described, together with other related issues as appropriate. The report is now informing discussions between the Client and East Lothian Council regarding the development potential of the site.