The University of St Andrews propose to develop a windfarm on land they own in north-east Fife, as part of its commitment to the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009.  h+m were appointed to lead the development of the design layout and to undertake the LVIA for the project.  Through a detailed understanding of the landscape and visual character of the site and its context, and following out a constraints mapping exercise, a design strategy was developed which sought to achieve a simple geometric layout of turbines in response to the ordered agricultural landscape pattern of the area, introduce a small number of larger turbines to form a small-scale feature clustered into a relatively tight grouping rather than appearing to ‘sprawl’ within the landscape, and to achieve balanced visual compositions of turbines from key viewpoints.   Following finalisation of the layout, a detailed LVIA was undertaken which considered issues such as the impact on the landscape setting of St Andrews and views from the West Sands.