As part of a farm diversification strategy, h+m were commissioned to undertake a Landscape Capacity Study for a proposed small-scale wind cluster, which would assist in informing the feasibility, location and scale of any development proposal. Landscape analysis of the site and its surroundings, supplemented with consideration of Angus Council guidance related to windfarm development, concluded that a specific design approach would be necessary to respond to the landscape sensitivities of the site. This strategy included adopting a relatively small turbine height to respond to the scale of the local landscape, siting the turbines as low down within the site as possible to relate them more to the humanised agricultural valley and distance them from the sensitive skyline profile of the Highland Boundary Fault, and achieving a simple and uncluttered visual composition of turbines when seen from the key viewpoints of the Caterthuns, two hilltop forts and Ancient Scheduled Monuments. h+m then worked to finalise a design proposal and undertake a detailed LVIA to support a planning application.